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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Can anyone provide some details on Georgia Military College in Columbus, GA?

Hello everyone! I'm moving to Columbus, GA soon and have been hearing a lot about Georgia Military College. Can anyone give me some insights about the college and their programs? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Sure, happy to share some details!

Georgia Military College is a public-independent liberal arts college serving both civilian and military students. It's known for blending a liberal arts environment with a military style of education.

The college offers both certificates and associate degrees in a variety of fields. For example, they have programs in Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Education, and Computer Science, among others.

One feature that differentiates them is their focus on leadership values and developing personal character. Thanks to their military heritage, they place a heavy emphasis on aspects such as discipline, ethics, and citizenship, which they believe will help students succeed not just academically but in life as a whole.

Another part of GMC’s mission is to prioritize access. They aim to offer an accessible, affordable education to a diverse array of students. This commitment means they have an open admissions policy. So as long as you've graduated from high school or have a GED, you can apply.

But it's not just about military service at GMC. The school also seeks to prepare students for transferring to a four-year institution after they finish their associate degree. They have the "2+2" program that attempts to ensure seamless transition for students wanting to get a 4-year degree after securing their associate degree from GMC.

One last thing to note is that the Columbus campus is one of many—GMC has 14 campuses throughout the state of Georgia. The campus life can be different at each location though the same educational principles apply.

Hope this helps and good luck with your move!

3 months ago

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