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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What should I know about the Military College in Columbus, GA?

Hey, I've been considering the Military College here in Columbus, GA. Anyone have any insights or advice about the College? Any personal experiences to share?

3 months ago

The Military College in Columbus, Georgia, is the Columbus State University Army ROTC program. This program can provide an excellent path to serving your country and receiving a quality education.

One major facet of the ROTC program is leadership and physical training. Not only will you be attending college courses, but you'll also participate in activities to develop your leadership skills and physical fitness, like weekly leadership labs, physical training, and field training exercises. You'll likely create a strong bond with your peers, and learn to work as a team.

It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the obligations that come as part of the ROTC scholarship if you're considering it. Upon graduation, you would be obligated to a certain term of service in the Army.

Remember to take advantage of opportunities to learn more about ROTC at Columbus State University. Reach out to the ROTC program at the University directly–they'll likely be able to provide answers to specific questions, give you an idea of what to expect, and potentially even put you in touch with current students.

Many students find ROTC to be a rewarding path because it provides educational opportunities, career training, and personal development. It's certainly worth looking into further if you're comfortable with the commitments involved.

3 months ago

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