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Prospective college before military: Worth it?

Hello! So I have been thinking over going to college before joining the military. What are the benefits of this path? Are there any lasting advantages for my career or life in general? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to outline some of the potential benefits of attending college before joining the military.

Firstly, earning a degree prior to enlisting could enable you to enter the military at a higher rank. For example, in some branches of the armed forces, individuals with a bachelor’s degree can start their service as officers rather than enlisted personnel. This can ultimately lead to higher pay and potential for advancement.

Secondly, having a college education might provide you with more specialty career options within the military. Some positions require specific knowledge or skills that are often best acquired through a college education. For instance, fields like engineering, medicine, law, or IT typically require a degree.

Thirdly, attending college before joining the military might expand your perspective and life skills. College can be an opportunity to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills, all of which are highly valued in the military.

Lastly, earning a degree prior to enlisting could also present you with a wider range of career options post-service. If you ever decide to transition out of the military, having an existing degree could open doors for you in the civilian job market.

Of course, it's important to consider that this path comes with potential challenges as well. The financial burden of a college education is significant for many, and the time required to earn a degree could delay your entry into the military. It's a decision that should factor in your personal goals, finances, and timeline. Best of luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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