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Is College Tuition Covered under Active Duty?

If I choose to attend college while serving as active duty military, will I have to pay tuition fees myself? Looking for some help understanding this.

5 months ago

Active duty military members are eligible for a number of tuition assistance programs that can significantly defray, or in some cases, completely cover the cost of tuition.

The main program is the Tuition Assistance (TA) program. The TA program can cover up to 100% of tuition expenses, with a cap of $250 per semester credit hour and a yearly cap of $4,500. This applies to both undergraduate and graduate courses, but remember, it's first-come, first-serve, and is subject to the availability of funding.

However, keep in mind that TA typically doesn't cover additional fees like books, course materials, or lab fees. You may need to cover these costs out of pocket.

In addition to TA, active duty military members can also use the GI Bill, but it's generally recommended to save these benefits for after separation from active duty, as the benefits can be used for higher cost education programs and are available for a longer period of time.

Also, some service members might be eligible for the College Loan Repayment Program (CLRP), which can help pay off student loans if they already exist. The specifics of eligibility for CLRP can vary depending on your branch and your individual contract.

However, keep in mind that while these opportunities are substantial, they aren't automatic. You'll need to apply and remain in good standing, and there can be limitations and complexities in accessing and using these benefits. Also, remember that serving in the military is a significant commitment and the decision to join shouldn't be made lightly. Definitely do your own thorough research and weigh all your options.

Finally, it's important to note that many universities and colleges offer their own scholarships specifically for active duty military and veterans, so make sure to check out those opportunities as well!

5 months ago

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