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Availability of colleges on military bases?

Hi all, my parent is stationed on a military base and I wondered about the accessibility and availability of colleges on bases. Are there any? If so, can anyone provide any insight about studying on a military base?

5 months ago

Yes, there are indeed some colleges and universities that offer degree programs on military bases. What's offered can vary greatly depending on the specific base and institution involved, but possible options can range from certificate programs to associate's, bachelor's, or even graduate degrees.

The purpose of having these programs on bases is to make higher education more accessible for military personnel and their families. Just to give you an example, the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) has a significant presence on military bases, particularly overseas. They offer both in-person and online courses to military personnel and their families.

Studying at a college on a military base can have several benefits. First and foremost, the flexibility and convenience can be a significant plus, particularly if you're living on or close to the base. You might also find that these programs are particularly geared towards adults and working students, which might suit your needs. Additionally, there can be benefits related to tuition, as some institutions offer discounted rates to service members and their families.

One thing to keep in mind is how credits and degrees from these programs might transfer. If you're planning to continue your education elsewhere down the line, or if you're concerned about how a degree from one of these programs will be viewed by future employers, it's important to research this beforehand. Look for regionally accredited schools, as credits from these institutions are most likely to be transferable and their degrees carry more weight.

In conclusion, studying on a military base can offer a great opportunity for higher education. It would be beneficial to connect with the education office on your base to learn more about what's available to you!

5 months ago

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