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Is it possible to balance military service and college?

Hello everyone, I'm at a place where I'm thinking about both serving in the military and going to college, but I'm not sure if it's feasible to do both. Is it practical to attend college while serving in the military? How would that even work?

5 months ago

It's certainly possible to balance military service and college, and many individuals have successfully done so. Here are a few ways how:

1. Reserves or National Guard: Joining the Reserve or National Guard components of any branch of the military can usually allow for a more manageable balance between military service and college. Typically, service in these components entails training one weekend per month and two weeks per year, which leaves ample time for full-time study.

2. ROTC Programs: ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) programs are available at many colleges and allow students to complete their degree while participating in military training. Upon graduation, students commission as officers in their respective branch.

3. Military Academies: Institutions like the U.S. Military Academy (West Point), the Naval Academy, and the Air Force Academy provide a four-year college education in tandem with military training. Graduates are then obligated to serve in the military for a certain period of time.

4. Online Learning: Some enlisted service members choose to pursue degrees online during their off-duty hours. This requires a significant level of discipline and time management but can allow for the combination of full-time service and part-time study.

5. GI Bill: Those who serve first and then go to college may have access to the GI Bill, which pays for tuition and living expenses for service members attending college after finishing their service.

Remember, balancing these commitments will require good time management, discipline, and flexibility. One of the keys to success will be having clear and open communication with both the academic advisers and military superiors to ensure everybody is on the same page and you can meet all requirements.

Each pathway has its own benefits and challenges, but serving in the military while getting a college education is, indeed, feasible. Be sure to do your research and talk with advisers or mentors to make the best choice for your goals and circumstances.

5 months ago

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