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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Leaving College for Military Service

Hey y'all, I've been seriously thinking lately about joining the military after a year or so of college. Is it possible for me to take a break from college to serve, and then come back to finish my degree later?

5 months ago

Absolutely, it's definitely possible to take a break from college to serve in the military and then return to complete your degree afterwards. This is known as "stopping out," and many colleges have policies in place to accommodate students who wish to do this.

Before you decide to take a break, it's essential to discuss your plans with your college's registrar or academic advising office. They can provide information on the process of taking a leave of absence, ensuring your enrollment status remains in good standing, and your return to school.

Remember, your education benefits can help you complete your degree when you're ready to return. For instance, the GI Bill provides benefits for tuition, fees, books and housing for eligible servicemembers.

Several colleges even have programs in place specifically for veterans, including academic counseling, mental health resources, and career services, which can ease your transition back to civilian life and academic studies.

Just as a note, managing these life transitions can require careful planning and thought. And even though taking a break from college to serve in the military can provide significant personal and financial benefits, it's a serious commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. That being said, if you choose this path, thank you for your service!

5 months ago

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