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Career Opportunities for Military Veterans

Are colleges more likely to hire military veterans for staff positions? Is there a preference for veterans in academia jobs?

5 months ago

It's important to note that hiring practices can vary significantly among different colleges and universities. However, many, if not most, institutions do have policies in place to recruit and hire military veterans.

Historically, veterans have been recognized for their leadership, discipline, teamwork skills, integrity, and ability to perform under pressure, which are all traits desirable to many employers, including higher education institutions.

For example, some institutions have a “veterans’ preference” policy where veterans who meet minimum qualifications and any mandatory job requirements are given preference over non-veterans. These policies can guide institutions to first consider eligible veterans for open positions.

Additionally, many institutions are committed to policies of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, and veterans, particularly disabled vets, are often included in these policies.

Higher education institutions also actively participate in programs and initiatives aimed at hiring veterans. For instance, some universities take part in the federal government's Veterans' Recruitment Appointment (VRA), which allows federal agencies to appoint eligible veterans without competition to positions up to the GS-11 level.

However, remember that while veterans may have special hiring preferences, they're still expected to meet the qualifications for the role, whether it's in administration, teaching, or any other department in academia.

To sum up, while there is no universal rule that colleges prefer hiring veterans, there are many programs and systems in place that support veterans in finding employment in academia. This doesn't guarantee a job, but it can certainly help level the playing field.

5 months ago

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