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Applying to College Post-Military?

I was wondering... if someone, like me, decides to go into the military right after high school, can they apply to college later, once they're out of service?

5 months ago

Absolutely, you can apply to college after serving in the military. In fact, many colleges and universities value the discipline, leadership, and diverse experiences that military veterans bring to their campus communities.

When you decide to apply, the application process will be largely the same as it would be for a high school student: you'll complete the Common Application or the Coalition Application (or the school's individual application, if they have one), submit your high school transcripts (and any college transcripts, if you took college classes while in the military), and possibly write college-specific supplemental essays. Many schools are test-optional so you might not need standardized test scores, but check the specific requirements of the schools you're interested in as some still require them.

Also, keep in mind that the GI Bill can help cover your tuition costs once you leave the military service. This legislation provides educational assistance to service members, veterans, and their dependents—although the specific benefits can vary depending on your length and type of service.

Lastly, many colleges and universities have Veterans Affairs offices that can provide guidance throughout the application process, as well as support and resources once you're enrolled.

It's a great step that you're considering higher education for your post-military path. It shows foresight and a commitment to personal growth and development. Best of luck to you in both your military service and future college career!

5 months ago

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