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Best Special Education Programs in California

Hey there! So, I'm from California, intending to become a special education teacher. I want to stay close to home for college. Anyone know which California schools have the best programs for a Special Education major?

5 months ago

To become a Special Education teacher in California, you'll need to complete an undergraduate program typically in a related field, and then go on to earn a credential or master's in Special Education. California does not typically offer Special Education as an undergraduate major, but many schools offer a minor or concentration in it.

Several universities in California are known for their exceptional special education programs at the graduate level:

1. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): The Graduate School of Education & Information Studies at UCLA is recognized for its high-quality programs. They offer a combined Teacher Education Program and Master's degree in Education with a focus on Special Education.

2. San Diego State University: Offers a Master’s program in Special Education that is highly recognized. They also have credential programs for both mild/moderate and moderate/severe special education.

3. University of California, Berkeley: Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education offers several master’s and credential programs in Special Education, which are nationally renowned.

4. California State University, Northridge: This institution has a comprehensive Department of Special Education offering numerous credential, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs in the field.

5. San Francisco State University: Their Graduate College of Education has a Department of Special Education that offers a Master of Arts degree in Special Education with various areas of emphasis.

These universities are recognized for their dedication to the field of special education, providing practical, in-field experience along with a strong theoretical foundation. I would recommend reaching out to the admissions offices at these schools or looking at their websites to get more detailed information about their specific Special Education programs. Remember, what makes a program the "best" can depend on your individual career goals and personal circumstances.

5 months ago

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