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Support System for Military Spouses in Colleges

I've got a question that's been on my mind lately. Are there specific colleges out there that have robust support systems for military spouses? My wife served and I'm hoping to find a school that can understand and accommodate our situation.

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are indeed several colleges with excellent support systems for military spouses. You'll want to look for schools that have specific programs or services in place to address your unique needs.

One notable institution is American Military University (AMU). This online university provides flexible scheduling and an array of degree programs, making it possible to balance your college education with other commitments. They also have an active community of military spouses, so you can connect with others who are navigating similar experiences.

Another great choice is University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), which is part of the University System of Maryland. Recognized for its strong commitment to military families, UMGC offers a variety of support systems such as academic advising, career services, as well as counseling and wellness services. Plus, they have a special scholarship for military spouses known as the Pillars of Strength Scholarship Program.

Finally, Western Governors University (WGU) offers financial aid to military spouses through their Military Appreciation Scholarship. The university provides competency-based education, allowing students to learn and progress at their own pace, which can be invaluable for busy military families.

Remember, when searching for colleges, you should also double-check the availability and accessibility of their support services. It can also be helpful to reach out to current military spouse students or alumni to get an inside perspective. Don't hesitate to contact the university's Military and Veteran Services Office for more detailed information about the resources they have in place.

5 months ago

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