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Top Schools for Theatre Majors?

Yo guys! My passion for Theatre has led me to involve myself deeper into it. I'm planning to major in Theatre in college. Any idea which colleges are known for their Theatre programs?

5 months ago

Absolutely! There are quite a few colleges with stellar Theatre programs. Here are a few to consider:

1. Carnegie Mellon University - It's one of the top schools for Theatre. Their Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Acting or Music Theatre are highly competitive and well-regarded. They've had many famous alumni go on to successful careers in the field.

2. Juilliard School - It's one of the most prestigious performing arts schools. Their Drama Division offers a BFA in Drama that is known for its rigorous approach to training.

3. New York University (Tisch School of the Arts) - Offers a strong BFA in Theatre program. They're noteworthy for their breadth of classes and incredible resources available for students. Plus, being located in the heart of NYC offers students many opportunities to immerse themselves in an active theatre scene.

4. Northwestern University - Has a fantastic Theatre program, and is known for its program that combines liberal arts with professional theatre training.

5. University of Southern California - The USC School of Dramatic Arts offers a BFA in Acting and has strong ties to the Los Angeles theatre, film, and television industry, which can be ideal for internship or job opportunities.

Remember, depending on your specific interests within Theatre (like acting, directing, set design, etc.), some programs might be a more fitting choice for you. It's a good idea to thoroughly research the specific courses, teachers, and opportunities at each school.

5 months ago

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