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SAT: 720 math
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College Options to Avoid Military Service?

Okay, so I'm not really keen on joining the military but in my country, it's a required service. I've heard that if you go to college with certain majors, you might avoid the service. Is this true? What are those majors? Does anybody have any experience with this? Really could use some guidance here.

5 months ago

It really depends on the specific rules and regulations of your country regarding military service. In some cases, pursuing higher education may allow for deferment of military service, but it's important to check with your local government or military service office to understand the exact conditions.

As for specific majors, this again would be a question to ask your local officials. Some countries may favor certain degrees more than others, especially in fields like medicine, engineering, and other technical specialties that are directly applicable to military objectives. However, this doesn't mean you're exempted from service altogether, you might still fulfill your service in a capacity related to your field of study.

Before making any decisions based on this, you should reach out to your local military service office or speak with an advisor in your school who can help guide you to the correct resources. If your primary goal is to avoid military service, remember that going to college solely with this intention might not be the best approach. College is a significant investment of time and money, and you should aim to study something you're genuinely interested in so you can build a career that suits your talents and passions.

5 months ago

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