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Can I go to college while serving the military?

Wondering if anyone here has managed to attend college while in the military? How does it work, logistically?

3 months ago

Yes, it is certainly possible to attend college while serving in the military. Many service members pursue higher education to expand their skill sets and advance in their military careers.

Firstly, the military offers several programs to support higher education. One of these is the Tuition Assistance program, which for eligible service members, may cover up to 100% of tuition expenses for college courses taken during off-duty hours.

Moreover, several online and physical colleges have programs specifically designed for military personnel. These programs are flexible, allowing you to study at your own pace and schedule around your military duties.

College courses and degrees can also be pursued during your deployment. Modern e-learning and remote education capabilities mean that you can keep up with your classes from many deployment locations. However, the feasibility of this can depend largely on your specific role and the nature of the deployment.

As another point, in many instances, military experience and training can be translated into college credit, reducing the time and cost to get a degree.

Finally, should you wish to leave active duty, the military also provides benefits for continued education via the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Services like the Yellow Ribbon program can significantly offset the cost of tuition and other educational expenses at many schools.

The key is to communicate your academic goals to your superiors and to seek guidance from the educational services officer (ESO) at your base, who can provide detailed information about the various programs and work with you to develop a plan that aligns with your service commitments. It's certainly a balancing act, but with planning and commitment, it can be a beneficial endeavor.

3 months ago

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