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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for Georgraphy Major Recommendations

Hello! As someone super interested in geography and planning to major in it, I am wondering - what colleges are the best for geography majors? If anyone has some info on this, I would really appreciate it!

3 months ago

There are several colleges notable for their strength in geography. To name some, Dartmouth College offers a flexible geography program that allows students to focus on areas like cultural geography, economic geography, and human-environment interactions, providing a broad education that emphasizes different aspects of geography.

The University of California, Berkeley is also well-known for its geography major, emphasizing both the physical geography and human geography. Their program includes extensive geographic techniques, laboratory and fieldwork elements.

Another great option is Clark University. Clark houses one of the oldest geography departments in the country, and it's been consistently ranked among the best. This department is known for having a strong focus on sustainable development and social justice.

Finally, don't overlook Pennsylvania State University. Their geography department is one of the largest in the U.S and offers a comprehensive program with opportunities to concentrate in areas such as GIS, human geography, and environment and society.

Remember, the right college for you will depend not only on the program but also the overall fit including cost, location, size, etc. So while these schools are exceptional, make sure to balance these factors when making your final decision. Good luck!

3 months ago

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