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What are the best college degrees for a military career?

I'm considering a career in the military after high school. I'm curious - what college degrees might help advance that path? What should I be focusing on?

3 months ago

The degree you select really depends on which area of the military you're interested in pursuing. If you have a specific role in mind, you can tailor your degree to fit that role.

For example, if you're interested in becoming a Military Engineer, you might consider a degree in Civil, Aerospace, or Mechanical engineering. These would give you the technical knowledge and problem-solving capabilities essential in these roles.

If you're more inclined towards a position in Intelligence or Cybersecurity in the military, degrees in Computer Science, Information technology or Cybersecurity would be fitting. They are increasingly valuable given the growing importance of Information Technology in military operations.

Another route some choose to take is Political Science or International Relations if they're interested in strategy, diplomacy, and global affairs. These degrees can be suitable for roles like Foreign Area Officers.

For more hands-on roles like a Military Doctor or Nurse, degrees in Medicine or Nursing would be the most direct routes.

Lastly, many military officers hold degrees in various fields. For those interested in leadership positions within the military, degrees in fields like Business, Leadership, or even Psychology may be useful.

Remember that attending a service academy like West Point or the Air Force Academy, or participating in a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program in college could be advantageous regardless of your exact major. These offer military training alongside your regular college education and can help set you up for a successful military career.

In summary, the best degree for you depends on your specific career goals in the military. It would be beneficial to research the area you are interested in and align your degree with that.

3 months ago

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