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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Participating in Military During College?

I heard about military programs where you can serve and also attend college. Does anyone here know more information and can elaborate on the practicality and benefits of such programs?

3 months ago

Sure, I can help with that! You're probably thinking of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), which is a college program offered at more than 1,000 colleges and universities across the United States that prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. Military. Essentially, you get to attend college as a normal student while also receiving basic military training and officer training for your chosen branch of service.

In practice, this means your college experience might include additional classes and physical training depending on your ROTC program’s specific requirements. But, you'd also enjoy the regular aspects of college—going to classes, studying, participating in extracurricular activities, etc.

ROTC programs offer scholarships that might cover your full tuition or give an allowance for books and additional fees. If the financial aspect of college is a concern, this could be a significant benefit. On top of that, the leadership skills and experiences can also help you in the civilian job market after completing the service obligation, even if you choose not to stay in the military long-term.

However, it's important to note that choosing to participate in ROTC will require a service commitment after graduation, typically ranging from 3-12 years depending on the specifics of the ROTC program and the military branch. The exact terms will be laid out in your contract with the military, and it's crucial to understand and be comfortable with these terms when considering an ROTC program.

Fundamentally, ROTC offers an opportunity to get your degree, serve your country, develop leadership skills, and potentially lessen the financial burden of college. But, it's not a decision to be taken lightly as it does come with commitment. Consider speaking with an ROTC recruiter or an advisor at your school to get more detailed information tailored to your circumstances.

3 months ago

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