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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Finding Christian Colleges with Strong Education Programs and Good Basketball?

I'm looking to apply to colleges soon and I'm pretty certain I want to major in Education. I'm also quite an avid basketball player and would love if the college had a decent NAIA team. Would love to get recommendations on some good Christian colleges that fit the bill!

3 months ago

Sure, I'm happy to provide some suggestions! The first school that comes to mind is Indiana Wesleyan University. They have a highly regarded School of Educational Leadership and a NAIA Division II basketball team.

Another university you might want to consider is Concordia University in Nebraska. Concordia offers a solid Education program and competes in the NAIA Division II for men's basketball.

Finally, Grace College in Indiana is known for having a robust education program, and they also have a NAIA men's basketball team.

Remember that picking a university is a personal decision based on many factors. Besides considering the education programs and basketball teams, also contemplate the college's location, size, cost, and other factors that are important to you.

Please verify the most up-to-date and detailed information about each university by contacting their admissions offices or visiting their official websites. It's always important to double-check course offerings, admissions requirements, and team rosters. Good luck with your college search and hopefully you'll find the right fit that aligns with your academic and athletic interests!

3 months ago

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