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Military community in Bryan College Station?

Anyone know what the military community is like around Bryan College Station? I want to join the military and go to college, so I'd really appreciate insights on how supportive/neighbourly the community is there. Thanks!

3 months ago

Bryan-College Station, often referred to as "Aggieland," hosts Texas A&M University, which has a strong military heritage given its origin as a military school. Notably, it's home to the Corps of Cadets, a student military organization that often leads to military service. Therefore, it's not unusual to see a robust and supportive military community in the region.

One result of this is you'll likely find people in uniform on campus and around town, which makes for a welcoming environment for prospective military personnel. Many local businesses also show their support for the military by offering discounts and other incentives.

Additionally, there's an evident camaraderie among local veterans and military members. Many events cater to this community, such as College Station's annual Veterans Day Parade and other local military commemoration events.

However, keep in mind that each person's experience will vary. It could be beneficial to reach out to current students who have military aspirations or are involved with ROTC programs. They can provide an insider's perspective on the community's attitude towards the military.

It's also worth noting that while the military community may be prominent in Bryan-College Station, it's an inclusive place that welcomes people from all walks of life. With the many clubs, organizations and events that Texas A&M and the surrounding city offer, you're bound to find your niche and develop a strong support network.

3 months ago

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