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Best college majors to pursue after serving in the Marines?

Hey there, I'm planning on enlisting in the Marines after graduating high school and I'd like to go to college after my service. What majors would translate best with the skills we gain in the Marines? I am also considering making the military a long-term career, so any major that would complement that path as well would be awesome.

3 months ago

Sure, that sounds like a plan well thought out. College after military service can be a great way to transition back into civilian life and make the most of the skills and experiences you'll have gained while in the Marines.

Certain majors can align particularly well with the life and skills in the military, and can help shape a fulfilling and innovative career either in the civilian world or within the military itself.

1. Criminal Justice or Forensic Science: If you're interested in a career in law enforcement or security services, these majors can provide you with the legal and scientific training to excel. They also can lead to further graduate study in fields like law or social work.

2. Information Technology or Cybersecurity: The military is increasingly reliant on technology, and gaining skills in these areas can make you a valuable asset. Cybersecurity, in particular, is a rapidly growing field which can also offer excellent career prospects outside of the military.

3. Political Science or International Relations: These majors can be particularly useful if you're interested in higher-level strategic planning or diplomatic roles within the military. They'll help you understand the global political landscape and how military actions fit into it.

4. Engineering: A degree in engineering could leverage your problem-solving abilities and can be tailored to a variety of specific paths like Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, etc.

5. Business/Management: These majors can provide the skills necessary for leading and organizing large groups of people and managing resources, which align nicely with military experiences.

Keep in mind that the best choice really depends on your personal interests and career goals. Consider what aspects of your military service you enjoy and focus on finding a major that aligns with those interests and strengths. You should aim for a field that not only translates smoothly with your military skills but also lights a fire in you. Your passion towards a field is what eventually keeps you going and helps you excel.

3 months ago

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