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Picking a major for aspiring medical school student

Hey guys, my ultimate goal is medical school but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the possible undergrad majors to choose from. What majors do medical schools appreciate to see in an applicant's profile the most? Any and all advice is appreciated.

3 months ago

It's a common misconception that there's a "best" major for pre-med students or that certain majors are more appreciated by medical schools. Medical schools generally value diversity in their student body and admit students from a vast array of majors.

However, there are certain considerations you might want to keep in mind when choosing a major. Most medical schools require prerequisite courses - typically in biology, chemistry, physics, and sometimes advanced subjects like biochemistry or calculus. So, a science major, like biology or chemistry, could enable you to fulfill these prerequisites within your major coursework.

Yet, this doesn't mean non-science majors are at a disadvantage. A humanities or social science major can provide a broad and complementary perspective to the hard sciences, fostering critical thinking, written and oral communication skills, and an understanding of human behavior - all of which are crucial in the field of medicine.

What's most important is that you choose a field you are genuinely passionate about. You'll likely perform better, have a higher GPA (which is important for med school applications), and be more engaged in your coursework. Plus, if you can link your passion for your major to your passion for medicine in your application, that could make a compelling case to admissions committees.

Lastly, regardless of your major, getting experience in healthcare contexts (through internships, volunteering, research, etc.) will be essential. This shows you have a realistic understanding of the healthcare field and are committed to pursuing a medical career.

So the bottom line is: choose a major you love and can excel in, ensure you can fit the med school prerequisites into your course plan, and seek out relevant experiences to prepare you for the healthcare world.

3 months ago

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