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Best Colleges for Biology majors in Oregon?

Hey all! I'm a junior from Oregon and pretty set on majoring in Biology. Can anyone recommend some great colleges for my major in my home state?

3 months ago

Sure, I'm glad to hear that you've identified a possible major! The state of Oregon boasts several excellent schools for Biology. Here is a short list based on faculty quality, research opportunities, and program size:

1. University of Oregon - Eugene: Considered to be one of the best public research universities in the nation. It's well-known for providing opportunities for undergraduate research, which can be crucial for biology majors looking to dive deeper into their field.

2. Oregon State University: With it being a large research university, their Biology department is quite well-funded, offering numerous opportunities for research and internship experiences. Their program is also uniquely flexible, allowing students to choose from specific concentrations such as Ecology, Evolution or Marine Biology, among others.

3. Reed College: This is a smaller, private, liberal arts school in Portland. Renowned for their rigorous academic programs and focus on undergraduate education. Biology majors can take advantage of small class sizes, a wide variety of biology courses, and the opportunity to conduct serious, publishable, faculty-supervised research.

4. Lewis & Clark College: Known for their strong programs in the natural sciences, particularly Biology. Their Biology department focuses on hands-on learning with lots of laboratory and field work integrated into the curriculum.

Remember, the "best" college will also depend on factors like campus culture, location, financial aid, student support services and your personal preferences. Make sure to visit campuses, talk to students/alumni, and reach out to admissions offices to gather as much information as you can, in order to make an informed decision. Happy hunting!

3 months ago

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