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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best Majors for Working from Home

Hey, my goal post-college is to have a job that allows me the flexibility to work from home. I wanted to know what kind of majors I should consider. Thanks!

3 months ago

There are several major areas of study that can lead to careers with high potential for remote work. Here are a few:

1. Computer Science or Information Technology: There's high demand for programming, software development, and data science skills in today's job market. Many of these professional roles are flexible about the work setting, provided you have reliable internet and a suitable computer setup.

2. Graphic Design or Web Design: Professionals who work in these fields often have the opportunity to work remotely. Creating visuals and designing websites can be done from anywhere with a proper computer setup.

3. Communications or Journalism: These fields often employ remote writers, editors, and content creators. With growing online media outlets, there's broad demand for these skills.

4. Marketing or Business: Many positions in marketing, such as social media management, SEO optimization, or digital marketing, can be done from anywhere. Similarly, areas of business like consulting or project management also increasingly offer remote opportunities.

5. Healthcare Administration: Remote roles like medical coding, and health information management are growing in this sector. Jobs related to managing health data can be done remotely - and demand for these roles is projected to increase.

Remember, your major is just one part of preparing for your desired career. Gaining practical experience through internships or part-time jobs in your chosen field is equally important to make you job-ready after graduation. It's also good to keep in mind that the opportunities for remote work can depend on the specific job role, the company, the industry, and sometimes even the country or state in which you reside.

Lastly, flexibility regarding the work environment is becoming more common in many sectors, so there's a good chance you'll find remote opportunities in various fields. You may want to prioritize a subject you're passionate about and then seek out remote opportunities within that field.

3 months ago

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