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Best colleges for Biology majors in Illinois. Any tips?

Guys, I'm a rising junior interested in pursuing Biology for my undergrad. I'm from Illinois and prefer attending college in-state. What are some top-tier colleges for Biology majors in Illinois?

3 months ago

In Illinois, some colleges stand out for their strong Biology programs:

1. University of Chicago: Recognized nationally and globally, UChicago offers a Biology program that is comprehensive and highly research-focused. Their Biological Sciences Collegiate Division offers a variety of specializations within biology, allowing you to customize your focus according to your interests.

2. Northwestern University: Their Integrative Biology program provides an interdisciplinary approach to biological sciences, which is great if you're interested in seeing how biology intersects with other fields. The school also offers great research opportunities.

3. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Known for its strong science programs, UIUC is a great option for a Biology major. They have state-of-the-art lab facilities and numerous research opportunities.

4. Loyola University Chicago: Loyola's Department of Biology offers an impressive variety of courses and research opportunities, and it's known for its commitment to undergraduate education in the biological sciences.

As for tips, research opportunities can be a game-changer in a Biology major, so be sure to look into that when considering these colleges. Also, remember to visit the campuses — either virtually or in-person — to get a feel for the environment. And finally, consider the class sizes. Small class sizes can mean more personalized teaching, which can be beneficial in a field as complex as biology. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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