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Best College Majors for an Aspiring Writer?

Hey, I'm a writer at heart, always have been. What college majors, apart from the obvious Creative Writing, would you guys suggest for someone like me?

3 months ago

There are numerous non-obvious majors that can still greatly benefit an aspiring writer. Let's explore a few here:

1. Journalism: This field would help you improve your writing skills in a way that is attractive to many types of readers. Furthermore, in a journalism major, you'll learn how to accurately and effectively convey information, which is valuable no matter what kind of writing you ultimately end up doing.

2. English: While this might seem like an obvious choice, it's a bit different from a Creative Writing major because you'd be more likely to study other writers' works in depth. This can be a great way to enhance your writing by exposing you to various styles and voices.

3. Philosophy: Many philosophy programs require intensive writing and critical thinking, which can be beneficial for a writer. You'll often need to take complex ideas and express them clearly and concisely, a valuable skill in writing.

4. Psychology: Majoring in psychology can provide valuable insights into human behavior and motivational forces, which could prove essential in creating authentic characters and compelling narratives.

5. Communications: A major in Communications could allow you to study various forms of mass media and effective techniques for conveying information to broad audiences. This major often involves various writing forms including persuasive writing, informative writing, and even storytelling.

Remember, you don't have to limit yourself to just these majors. Any area that interests you can be used to feed your unique voice and perspective as a writer. An Anthropology major might lead you to write incredible social commentaries, for instance. Or majoring in Chemistry could lead you to write the next great science fiction novel. The world of writing is as broad as your imagination!

3 months ago

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