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Which colleges offer standout English programs?

I've been a literature enthusiast since I remember, and I'm thinking of taking up English as my major in college. But I'm kind of overwhelmed with the number of options out there. Anybody have recommendations as to which colleges are really strong with their English departments? Specifically, I'm looking for institutions that offer a comprehensive literature program.

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some schools known for their excellent English and Literature programs:

1. University of California, Berkeley: It has an excellent English department highly recognized for its comprehensive curriculum that covers periods and genres from medieval to contemporary literature.

2. Columbia University: The English department of Columbia is renowned for its diverse range of courses and specializations, including Comparative Literature and English and Comparative Literature.

3. Yale University: The English department at Yale offers a broad-ranging program of literary study with a flexible curriculum for students to explore their passions.

4. Stanford University: Stanford’s English department, known for its rigorous literary curriculum, ofers opportunities for students to study literature from ancient to contemporary times, and across different genres and national traditions.

5. Princeton University: With an emphasis on literature’s connection to culture and history, Princeton's English program covers wide-ranging periods and geographies which could offer rich insights.

6. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: The English department at the University of Michigan has a wide array of course offerings, from Old English to African American literature.

7. University of Virginia: UVA's English department is well-regarded, particularly its program in Southern literature.

Remember, when selecting a college for a particular major, many factors can come into play apart from the strength of the department, things such as location, size, campus culture, and financial aid opportunities also play a crucial role. Consider these factors along with the strength of the English program while shortlisting colleges.

3 months ago

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