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The English major at Georgetown?

Hey folks, I'm seriously considering Georgetown for my further studies as an English major. However, I'm a bit uncertain. Can anyone share their experiences or insights on Georgetown's English program? What's the faculty like and how are the classes?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide some insight into Georgetown's English program. Georgetown University has a well-regarded English program that offers a variety of specialties. However, what really stands out about Georgetown's program are the small class sizes that promote individualized attention and a close-knit learning community - something many students appreciate.

The faculty is known to be experienced and accomplished but also very accessible. Many students report having close relationships with professors, which creates a conducive environment for academic inquiry. Plus, as an English major, you'll have the opportunity for one-on-one interactions and detailed feedback on your work, which is invaluable for improving your writing and critical thinking skills.

Courses cover a wide range of topics - from a survey of English literature to more specific studies such as modernist poetry and contemporary fiction. It ensures that you're exposed to a broad spectrum of literary periods and genres.

Another advantage is Georgetown's location in Washington, D.C. This allows for unique experiential learning opportunities, like internships at renowned publishing houses or government organizations. These experiences not only bring academic lessons to life, but they can also bolster your future career prospects.

In summary, Georgetown's English program provides a rigorous, personal education that helps students grow acadically and professionally. It's worth considering if you're looking for a well-rounded English program with ample opportunities for practical experience.

3 months ago

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