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Where’s a Good College for a Creative Writing Major?

Hallo! I'm quite passionate about writing and I'm keen to major in creative writing when I go to college. Can anyone out there provide suggestions on which colleges offer the best programs? If anyone has personal experiences, that would be super helpful too.

3 months ago

There are some outstanding colleges renowned for their creative writing programs!

1. University of Iowa: Known for its unique writing workshop model, this program allows students to receive detailed feedback from their peers. They have an active literary community and reading series with various authors.

2. Johns Hopkins University: This college is great for undergraduates seeking an intensive and focused creative writing program. The Writing Seminars department offers degrees in both Writing and English, allowing students to deeply engage with literature as well as writing.

3. Stanford University: Stanford's creative writing program is part of the English department and highly regarded. It benefits from the university's location in the San Francisco Bay Area, a hub of literary activity with many readings, lectures, and other events.

4. Brown University: Brown's program is unique in that it is a writing concentration within an English literature degree, combining intensive writing with a deep grounding in literary studies.

5. New York University: NYU offers a range of writing courses within the sprawling city of New York, providing a diverse and vibrant setting for creative ambition.

Remember, the best creative writing program for you will depend on your personal writing goals and what other interests you want to explore in college. So it's also important to consider the overall fit of the university - its size, location, ethos, and so on. It may also be helpful to find out about opportunities for publishing and performance, internships, reading series, and faculty.

3 months ago

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