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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best College for Computer Science Major?

Hey everybody, I'm a rising Junior really into tech, code, and all that computer science goodness. I live in South Carolina, so I was wondering if there are any top-notch computer science programs in my home state to look for?

3 months ago

Certainly! South Carolina does have some strong Computer Science programs.

One of the first ones that come to my mind is the University of South Carolina (USC). Their Computer Science & Engineering major is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the core and advanced areas of computer science and related disciplines. It offers a solid foundation in theory, combined with the practical skills necessary to solve complex problems.

Another notable program is at Clemson University. Clemson's School of Computing harbors three separate undergraduate Computer Science degrees: General, Human-Centered Computing, and Digital Production Arts. This allows you to potentially specialize your CS knowledge in a unique direction, depending on your interests.

Remember, finding the "best" college also depends on your personal needs and goals. Factors such as faculty, class sizes, research opportunities, internships, location, cost, and even the student life can play a crucial role in your college experience. I recommend visiting these universities and speaking with the faculty or students in these programs if possible. Doing so can provide you with a deeper insight into these programs and help you see which one might be the best fit for you. You also want to consider whether the overall culture and environment of the college aligns with your preferences. Think about what else you want out of your college experience beyond just your major.

In any case, applying to a variety of schools can give you the best chance of making a competitive decision when the time comes. Good luck with your college search and applications!

3 months ago

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