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Choosing a Major for a Career in the Army

Planning on joining the army after high school, but also thinking about earning a degree first. Any suggestions on the 'best college major for the army'? Which majors can really enhance a military career?

3 months ago

Sure, happy to help out. You're asking a wisely strategic question, as certain majors can provide a considerable advantage in a military career. While the Army doesn't specifically require a certain degree for enlistment, it's worth considering majors that translate to Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) with clear career progression paths.

Firstly, STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) hold significant clout in the military, given the Army's growing need for technical sophistication and proficiency. Particularly:

- Engineering: Offers a variety of skills relevant to military operations, like civil engineering for infrastructure projects or mechanical/electrical engineering for equipment maintenance and development.

- Computer Science: With the rising prominence of cyber warfare, understanding programming, network systems, and cybersecurity can be incredibly valuable.

If you're interested in leadership positions, majors like Political Science, International Relations, or History can cultivate strong skills in strategy, tactical decision-making, and understanding geopolitical landscapes.

Healthcare related studies such as nursing or pre-med can lead to valuable roles in the Army’s medical corps if that’s a route you’re considering.

Lastly, don't downplay the value of linguistics or foreign language studies. The Army often seeks out individuals proficient in languages other than English, particularly if they’re languages spoken in geopolitical hot zones.

In sum, various majors cater to the Army's diverse needs, so align your choice to your desired career path and interests within the Army. Additionally, consider taking part in a Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program while in college, which is a great way to couple military training with your academic studies.

3 months ago

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