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Seeking a Major for Investment Careers

Hi, I'm a junior in high school and I'm kind of interested in a career in investment banking or something in that line. What's the best college major I should be thinking about for this career goal? Any suggestions from people who've been down that pathway?

3 months ago

If you're considering a career in investment banking, a major in Economics or Business (including specializations such as Finance, Accounting, or Business Administration) is often most directly relevant. These disciplines incorporate a strong foundation in financial principles, which align with the kind of work many investment bankers do.

Economics, in particular, can provide you with analytical tools necessary for understanding the financial markets, monetary policies, and micro & macro economics – all an integral part of an investment banking career. Business majors, on the other hand, give you a direct understanding of corporate finances, financial modeling, and business strategy, granting a practical knowledge which will directly apply to day-to-day work in investment banking.

However, majoring in those fields is not strictly necessary. Many investment bankers have backgrounds in fields like Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, or even Humanities - provided that they have demonstrated strong analytical capabilities and have taken some business/finance-related coursework. So, if you have another field you're passionate about, consider how it could tie into your investment banking goals instead of feeling locked into a traditional path. For instance, if you love politics, a major in Political Science can still be used as a pathway provided you weave in relevant courses.

Having internships in financial institutions or investment banks during your college years is also crucial, so wherever you end up attending for college, be proactive about seeking these out early on.

Regardless of the major you choose, the key takeaway is to develop strong analytical, mathematical, and communication skills as these will help you excel in this career path.

3 months ago

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