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Where should I go if I want to major in Media X?

Hey everyone, I've been wanting to major in Media X since sophomore year. Since I'm a junior now, it's time to figure out colleges. Does anyone have any recommendations for colleges known for their Media X programs?

3 months ago

Absolutely, it's good to get started on these questions as a junior! For Media studies, there are several standout universities you might consider:

- University of Southern California: USC has the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism that offers great programs related to media and digital culture.

- New York University: NYU's Media, Culture, and Communication department is a great choice due to its location in the media capital of the world and access to internships and job placements.

- Northwestern University: Northwestern's School of Communication offers various opportunities in media studies. Given Northwestern's active engagement with platforms like radio, TV, and digital media, it creates an immersive learning environment.

Remember, location is a crucial aspect to consider when studying media - access to bustling media hubs like Los Angeles or New York can offer internships and networking opportunities that can significantly enhance your educational experience. Make sure to check out each school's specific curriculum and see which aligns best with your career goals.

Lastly, remember to consider factors other than the media program itself, like the overall college fit, cost, location, size, and opportunities for extracurriculars. All of these will play a huge role in your college experience.

3 months ago

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