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What's the best college for combining interests in medicine and football?

Hey all, I'm currently a junior who's pretty into the whole medical field. However, I also really enjoy playing football. I'm trying to strike a balance between both my future career and my current passion. Does anyone have suggestions for colleges that excel in both areas? Thanks for any info!

3 months ago

It's really great to hear about your multifaceted interests in both medicine and football. Balancing these two can be a challenge, but it's very achievable.

To start off, consider schools with prominent Division I football programs and high-ranking premed or health-related programs. For example, University of Michigan could be a great choice. They have a reputable football team and the Michigan Medicine is globally recognized for its research, patient care, and educational opportunities.

Similarly, Stanford University could also be a phenomenal fit. Their football program is part of the Pac-12 Conference, and they have a super strong medical program known for its research and global health initiatives.

Another good choice could be Notre Dame. They have a fervent football culture and a strong pre-med track. Notre Dame's football is among the most prestigious in the country and their College of Science offers a preprofessional studies major tailored for students who plan on attending medical school.

In essence, there is an array of schools offering a blend of strong athletics and academically rigorous programs. Depending on your profile strength, you may also want to consider more local colleges or Division III schools. As a friendly reminder, balancing these two interests will definitely require time management skills due to the demands of each area. Best of luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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