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SAT: 720 math
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Good workplaces for college fashion majors?

Hey, I'm all about that fashion life and am considering majoring in it. What are some of the best places to work at after I get my degree? Any fashion majors here who can share their experiences?

3 months ago

Sure, great question! As a fashion major, you'll have a lot of exciting opportunities available to you in the industry. One option to consider is working for a well-known fashion brand, like Calvin Klein, Gucci, or Chanel. These brands are always on the lookout for creative talents to join their design or marketing departments.

Another option is to join a retail company like Nordstrom or Zara, where you can work on the business side and gain experience in areas such as merchandising, buying, and store planning.

If you're passionate about journalism or writing, consider fashion publications like Vogue or Harper's Bazaar. They often have positions open for fashion editors, stylists, and writers.

Lastly, if you're into the startup scene, consider joining a fashion-tech company. These firms are where fashion meets technology, and they range from online retail platforms to apps dedicated to personal styling.

Keep in mind, internships during your college years can help you land these jobs, by giving you hands-on experience in the industry and networking opportunities. Building a strong portfolio of your work is also crucial. It would be great to hear from any fashion majors about their experiences!

3 months ago

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