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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Selecting a college for dual interests: medicine and football

Hey everyone, I'm in kind of an unique situation, I guess. I'm interested in pursuing a medical major, and I'm also a pretty decent football player. Does anyone have advice on how to find a college that would offer me a strong educational program in medicine and also a good football team? Is it even possible to balance both in college? Any thoughts or experiences would be appreciated!

3 months ago

It's definitely possible to both pursue a pre-med track and play college football, but it will require a solid plan and strong time management skills.

Pre-med is a rigorous path that requires a lot of study time outside of class, since you need to maintain a high GPA for med school applications. Playing college football will also be time-consuming, with practice, games, and travel. That being said, many student athletes successfully balance their sport with demanding majors, so it is certainly possible!

When researching colleges, look for those renowned for their academic programs, especially in pre-med tracks, as well as those with competitive football programs. Consider both Division I and Division III schools since both can provide a quality athletics experience but Division III might offer a better balance between sports and academics. Some schools known well for their sports and academics include Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, and the University of Notre Dame.

Another important factor to consider is the support services available at the schools - such as academic advising, tutoring, and wellness programs. Strong support services can make the difference in successfully managing your time and academics as a student-athlete.

Finally, when you're visiting campuses or talking to coaches and admissions reps, ask about the experiences of student athletes on a pre-med track or in other challenging majors. You can also reach out to current students or alumni through the college's athletic departments.

Ultimately, the most important aspect is finding a school where you feel you can control your time well, get the support you need, and be successful in both your athletic and academic pursuits. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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