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Colleges with top programs in music composition?

Yo! So, I'm really into music composition, and that's what I plan on majoring in college. Does anyone know of any schools that are known for their music composition program? I'd appreciate any pointers.

3 months ago

Hey there! It's great to hear about your passion for music composition and wanting to build upon that in college. There are quite a few universities that are renowned for their music programs, including composition. Just to mention a few:

1. Juilliard School: One of the most prestigious music schools in the world. The composition department at Juilliard offers programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. You get a chance to work with some of the best composers today and work on creating innovative musical expressions.

2. Berklee College of Music: Known for contemporary music, Berklee offers a Bachelor of Music in Composition. They encourage students to collaborate and create original music through comprehensive training in contemporary composition techniques.

3. Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester: Their program in composition strongly emphasizes individual creative expression and offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

4. Curtis Institute of Music: This extremely selective school offers a composition program that pairs each student with a faculty member for a one-on-one teaching experience.

5. University of Southern California Thornton School of Music: This school offers a Bachelor of Music in Composition and provides students with a grounding in the principles of composition while encouraging creativity and individuality.

Each of these programs has its strengths, and it would be helpful to research each one further to assess which might align best with your own goals and aspirations. Remember that it's not just about the reputation of the school, but also how well the program fits you as an individual artist and composer. Good luck!

3 months ago

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