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Suggestions for Top Finance Programs in California?

Hey, anyone else out there considering majoring in finance? I really want to stay in California for college, and I'm looking for advice on which colleges there have the best finance programs. Any recommendations or personal experiences would be awesome!

3 months ago

In California, there are several colleges with excellent finance programs that you may want to consider:

1. University of California, Berkeley (Haas School of Business): Berkeley has a well-renowned undergraduate business program. While they don't specifically provide a Finance major, they offer a variety of upper-division courses in finance as part of their Business Administration major.

2. Stanford University: Similar to Berkeley, Stanford doesn't offer a traditional finance major, but their Management Science and Engineering program has a concentration in Finance and Decision which might be of interest to you.

3. University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business): USC's Marshall School of Business actually has an explicit Finance major, making it a great option. It's centered on three crucial elements of finance: financial management, investments, and financial markets.

4. Claremont McKenna College: This small, liberal arts college has a strong economics program with a finance sequence that has got a good reputation.

5. California State University, Fullerton (Mihaylo College of Business and Economics): CSU Fullerton's finance program is also worth considering. It's one of the most affordable options and has a solid curriculum.

Each of these schools have their own strengths and specializations, and offer good networking opportunities and career services which are quite important in the finance industry.

While deciding, consider factors like class sizes, location, culture, etc. Remember to visit the campuses if you're able to - sometimes the vibe of the campus and the student body can be a determining factor. If you can't visit, try engaging with current students or faculty online to get a feel for each school. Good luck with your college search process!

3 months ago

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