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Where to major in Political Science?

Since I started high school, I've known that I want to study political science at a higher level. I'm looking for suggestions from people who may know which colleges are particularly good for this field. Any help is greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

There are many great options to consider when looking for strong programs in Political Science. Here are some schools you might want to look into:

1. Harvard University: Harvard's Government Department is renowned for its comprehensive curriculum that covers American Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory among other sub-fields.

2. Stanford University: Stanford's Political Science program is known for combining both theoretical and empirical approaches to this field, and they offer a wide selection of courses ranging from political theory to data science.

3. Yale University: Yale's department of Political Science offers a varied curriculum, including courses on international relations, political philosophy, and comparative government.

4. University of California—Berkeley: UC Berkeley's political science department is particularly strong in the areas of comparative politics and international relations.

5. Duke University: Duke's Political Science program offers a variety of specialized programs, including a focus on political institutions, political economy, security, peace, and conflict studies.

Remember that a school's prestige in a particular field isn't the only factor to consider. You will want to also think about the courses on offer, the faculty, opportunities for research, internships, or study abroad programs which can be just as, if not more, important for your academic experience. So, thorough research and attention to those aspects are necessary to find the perfect fit for your personal goals.

3 months ago

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