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Choosing a Psychology Major Program in New York

NY native here, trying to figure out the next step. I'd like to study psychology, so any suggestions for colleges with great psychology programs in New York?

3 months ago

Certainly, New York is home to many colleges with robust psychology programs. Allow me to mention a few of them.

Columbia University is one you might consider, with its expansive psychology department offering many research opportunities for undergraduate students. They offer courses in diverse areas of psychology, such as social psychology, neuropsychology, developmental psychology, and experimental psychology.

New York University is also known for its psychology program, specifically their Clinical Psychology program, which is consistently ranked among the top in the nation. They also provide an array of research opportunities.

Cornell University, in Ithaca, offers a high-quality psychology undergraduate program with various concentrations. Students here can engage in independent research, benefit from a broad curriculum, and join many psychology-related clubs like Psi Chi.

You might also consider The University at Buffalo (SUNY), which has a solid reputation for its research contributions in psychology.

Lastly, though not as large as the others mentioned, Adelphi University has a strong psychology program noted for its emphasis on experiential learning, with plenty of opportunities for internships and fieldwork.

Remember to evaluate these programs based on how they fit with your individual goals. Explore their course offerings, research opportunities, faculty profiles, and any possible concentrations within the psychology major that may be of interest to you.

3 months ago

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