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Searching for the Best College for a Japanese Major

I'm currently a rising junior with a passion for Japanese language and culture. I'm curious, what are some great colleges to consider for a Japanese major? Any insights or personal experiences are welcome.

3 months ago

When looking for the best college for a Japanese major, there are some schools that are recognized for their excellent programs. Here are a few you might want to consider:

1. University of California, Berkeley: UCB has one of the top East Asian Languages and Cultures departments in the U.S., with a strong focus on Japanese. The major offers a balanced curriculum of language, literature, and cultural studies.

2. Stanford University: Stanford's East Asian Languages and Cultures department has a well-rounded Japanese program. The major emphasizes language acquisition and also offers in-depth studies in Japanese literature, culture, and society.

3. Columbia University: Columbia's East Asian Languages and Cultures department has a robust Japanese program. It's particularly known for its strong faculty in Japanese literature. Columbia also has the renowned "Columbia University Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement" which provides diverse opportunities for students to study abroad in Japan.

4. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor: UMich's Asian Languages and Cultures program offers a comprehensive Japanese major. UMich also has an excellent Japan Center designed to support students studying Japanese language and culture.

5. Dartmouth College: Dartmouth's Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages program paves the way for interdisciplinary learning that combines language study with a deep dive into culture, society, and more.

Remember, choosing a college should also take into account other factors beyond the specific major, such as the overall academic reputation, size, location, availability of financial aid, campus culture, and others that may be personally important to you. Good luck in your search!

3 months ago

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