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Need Best College Recommendations for Journalism Major

Hey there, I'm a junior planning to major in Journalism. Could anyone suggest some of the best colleges for this major? I'd love to hear what factors you considered when choosing your college.

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you out on this. There are several excellent universities renowned for their stellar programs in Journalism, and these include key factors like faculty expertise, internship opportunities, course curriculum, and campus media facilities in their programs.

University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou) is highly reputable for its Journalism program as the world's first journalism school. It emphasizes hands-on training for students and has many campus media facilities like newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations where students can gain practical experience.

Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University is another top-notch choice. It has a diverse selection of specialization areas in Journalism, access to Chicago's vibrant media market for internships, and Medill's renowned “Medill Mafia” network of alumni throughout the journalism industry.

University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism also provides state-of-the-art facilities, wide-ranging internships, and its location in Los Angeles offers numerous opportunities in the media industry.

Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism offers highly prestigious programs but mostly for graduate level. However, undergraduates can take classes there and engage in numerous student publications.

Though these are some top options, it can also be really beneficial to assess where you'd feel most comfortable. You might want to consider factors such as class sizes, opportunities for mentorship, opportunities for internships in your preferred journalism field, and even geographic location. For instance, if you're interested in political journalism, a school in Washington D.C. may offer more relevant opportunities.

Remember, the 'best' school is highly individual and depends on what specific aspects of journalism you're interested in, such as broadcast, investigative, or multimedia. It's also useful to visit the campuses, if possible, as it can give you a better idea of where you'd be most comfortable.

3 months ago

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