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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Help understanding the application deadline schedule for Quinnipiac University?

I'm interested in Quinnipiac, does anyone have clarity on their application deadlines? I've heard they use a rolling admission policy, but I'm not sure how that affects deadlines.

3 months ago

Quinnipiac has a few different priority deadlines, especially for maximum scholarship consideration and for specific programs. For Fall 2025 matriculation, the binding Early Decision deadline is November 1, 2024, and the non-binding Early Action deadline is November 15, 2024. Finally, the Regular Decision deadline is February 1, 2025. Applications might still be accepted after this date until all spots are filled, but financial aid packages might be smaller or not available, and highly competitive programs might already be full. Make sure to check with the admissions office.

Certain programs encourage applicants to apply through the early action decision plan: Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Radiologic Sciences

Quinnipiac University does not explicitly follow a rolling admission policy. This type of admission process means the university continuously accepts and reviews applications until all spots in the upcoming class are filled. In general, you could apply at any time but it's recommended to apply early since admission becomes more competitive as spaces get filled.

Applying early shows your enthusiastic interest in the program, maximizes your chance of securing a spot in the class, and best positions you for scholarship opportunities. Remember to also have all parts of your application--essays, recommendation letters, and transcripts--ready to submit at the same time, as your application won't be reviewed until it is complete.

3 months ago

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