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Colleges in the USA for Communications Major?

As a high school junior in the midst of college hunting, does anyone have any recommendations for the best schools for a Communications major in the USA?

5 months ago

Sure, there are a number of great colleges for a Communications major across the USA.

Starting off, Northwestern University's school of communications is highly ranked. It offers a variety of curriculum options that range from theater to communication sciences. The university is also seldom far from important media markets, giving students superior internship and job opportunities.

University of Southern California offers a popular major called Communication and Media Studies. USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is one of the best in the country, giving students access to a comprehensive array of courses and a multidisciplinary approach to studying communications.

Boston University's College of Communication has a reputation for preparing students for a professional role in communication studies. Boston being a bustling city also provides ample opportunities for internships.

You might also want to consider University of Pennsylvania, which is renowned for its Annenberg School for Communication, and boasts student-run publications and broadcasting outlets, allowing hands-on experience in the field of study.

Lastly, University of California, Berkeley has a big focus on media studies, and offers a variety of courses that incorporate sociology, political economy, journalism, and other fields.

Of course, the "best" school will greatly depend on what specifically you're looking for in a college experience, so take the time to research each school's specific offerings before making a decision. Good luck with your college search!

5 months ago

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