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Picking Colleges for a CS Major

Hey guys, so I've decided I want to study Computer Science but I'm not sure which colleges I should aim for. Which are deemed the best for a CS major, taking into account faculty, resources and job opportunities afterwards?

5 months ago

Selecting the right college for your major in Computer Science (CS) certainly matters! Based on various rankings and student feedback, below are a few colleges renowned for their CS programs, though I'd urge you to also consider aspects like location, campus culture, cost, and fit.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Renowned for its rigorous and innovative curriculum. Also, Boston has a thriving tech scene, making it easier to land internships and jobs.

2. Stanford University: It's located in Silicon Valley, which offers exceptional networking opportunities with nearby tech giants.

3. University of California–Berkeley: Renowned faculty and a rigorous curriculum, plus its close proximity to the tech industry in California.

4. Carnegie Mellon University: Carnegie Mellon has an excellent reputation for its CS program. They also offer specialized tracks in areas like Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction.

5. University of Washington: Located in Seattle, a city with a robust tech industry. Amazon and Microsoft are both in the vicinity, providing excellent job opportunities.

6. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign: Known for strong real-world application opportunities in its CS program. The Research Park offers students the chance to intern and engage with startups and corporations.

Remember, it's not just about the reputation of the program. You should also consider if you want to be in a big or small class, whether you want to participate in undergraduate research, if you want to co-op or intern, and what kind of community you want to live in for four years.

One final note - while these programs are highly competitive, don't get overly caught up with rankings. Many colleges and universities have excellent CS departments that can provide a quality education, so broaden your search based on your preferences and needs.

5 months ago

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