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Looking for drama programs in Georgia colleges

Hey everyone, I'm a junior, and I've been super into drama all throughout high school. I've been thinking of majoring in drama, but I want to stay in my home state of Georgia. Can anyone help me with suggestions of colleges with strong drama programs?

5 months ago

Absolutely! Georgia has several universities that have strong reputations for their drama or theatre programs.

Starting off with the University of Georgia, their Department of Theatre and Film Studies offers BA degrees in Theatre and also in Entertainment and Media Studies. They have a comprehensive program emphasizing various aspects such as acting, directing, design, and non-performance areas like history, theory, and criticism.

Emory University is another excellent choice. At Emory, you can earn a BA in Playwriting, Theater Studies, or Theater with a concentration in either Acting, Design, Directing, Dance, or Theater Studies. They also offer plenty of opportunities for performances, which give you practical experience in addition to classroom learning.

Georgia State University's School of Film, Media & Theatre is also impressive. The department provides a BA in Film and Media which encompasses both theory and practical experience. They also have classes on acting, directing, writing, and theater technology.

Last but not least, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) offers a performing arts major that really encourages cross-disciplinary study. They offer BA, BFA, MA and MFA degrees in performing arts with a focus on preparing students for professional careers in theater, film, television and digital media.

Each program has its own strengths and unique features, so I recommend doing detailed research into each of them to see which would be the best fit for you. And remember, when you're looking at drama programs, consider not just the courses, but also extracurricular and performance opportunities, alumni networks, and relationship with local theaters! Good luck on your journey!

5 months ago

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