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What are the best colleges for education majors?

Hey guys, I'm a junior right now and have always wanted to go into teaching. I'm just starting my college search and would love to hear some suggestions for colleges with strong education programs. Thanks!

5 months ago

Given your interest in education, there are definitely several excellent schools to consider. Universities known for their strong education programs are:

1. Johns Hopkins University: Its School of Education is highly ranked and offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in education. A highlight is their 5-year BA/MSEd program, leading to teaching certification.

2. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor: They have the School of Education which offers a minor in Education for Justice and Diversity and a secondary teacher certification program in addition to their undergraduate education major.

3. Vanderbilt University: The Peabody College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt is another top school for education. Here you could major in Elementary Education or Secondary Education, among other offerings.

4. University of Pennsylvania: The Penn Graduate School of Education is highly ranked and offers multiple joint degree programs. While the education major is not available for undergraduates, the university offers a minor in Urban Education.

5. Boston College: The Lynch School of Education and Human Development has both undergraduate and graduate programs. They offer a five-year Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction program where you can earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree.

Remember, as well as the overall strength of the education program, other factors to consider include the availability of student teaching opportunities, types of education degrees offered, faculty expertise, location (inner city vs. rural can impact the type of teaching experience you get), and financial considerations such as scholarships for education majors. It would be beneficial to visit the department websites, reach out to current students in these programs, and speak with admissions representatives to get a holistic idea of what each program offers. Good luck with your journey towards becoming an educator!

5 months ago

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