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In Search of the Best College for Meteorology

Hey! So, I'm leaning towards studying meteorology in college - it's like the perfect blend of my love for geography and physics. I've done some research but I want to broaden my scope. What are some of the top colleges known for their meteorology programs out there?

5 months ago

Hello there! Your combination of love for geography and physics definitely makes meteorology a great fit. Meteorology programs can vary quite a bit from one school to another, but I can help by suggesting a few of the notable ones.

First, there's Penn State University. Their meteorology and atmospheric science program is one of the oldest and largest programs in the nation. It is frequently recognized for its comprehensive curriculum with both theoretical and practical study, including contest-scenario forecasting.

The University of Oklahoma is known for its School of Meteorology. OU's program provides a great balance between atmospheric science theory and experienced-based learning, benefiting from its location in the heart of Tornado Alley for firsthand storm experience.

Florida State University also has a highly respected meteorology program. Their Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science offers a variety of sub-disciplines, focusing on tropical meteorology due to its proximity to the tropics.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also has a highly recognized meteorology program - their Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences covers a broad spectrum of the earth sciences.

Lastly, the University of Miami has a well-regarded atmospheric science program with a special focus on tropical meteorology and oceanography. Ohio State University also has an Atmospheric Science program within its Department of Geography.

I recommend taking a look at each school's specific curriculum and course offerings as well as opportunities for research and internships. Also, consider the location of the school as that can offer different weather systems to study. Lastly, keep in mind while these are some of the top schools for meteorology, there are many other schools offering strong programs in this field.

5 months ago

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