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Spotlight on Music Composition Majors

Hi everyone! I've heard that college can be a great time to hone in on your artistic skills. I'm into music composition and would want to focus on that. Do you guys have any recommendations for colleges with stellar music composition programs?

5 months ago

Absolutely, focusing on your passion for music composition during your college years can be a transformative experience. You'll want to look for schools that not only offer comprehensive coursework in music theory and composition, but also provide plenty of opportunities for performance, collaboration, and feedback.

One standout institution for music composition is the Juilliard School in New York City. Juilliard is renowned globally for its dedication to performing arts education and its rigorous music composition program offers a comprehensive curriculum in music theory, ear training, and the history of music, alongside opportunities for student performances.

The New England Conservatory of Music in Boston also offers a notable music composition program. NEC celebrates a wide range of musical styles so you can delve into orchestral arrangement, operatic writing, chamber music, and more. Students are also required to perform a thesis which includes a concert of their original compositions.

Plenty of universities also offer fantastic programs. For instance, the University of Southern California's Thornton School of Music has a stellar Music Composition program. USC Thornton provides a creative environment for composers, pairing rigorous academics with abundant opportunities for performances, collaborations, and premieres.

If you're looking for strong programs outside of private institutions, Indiana University Bloomington's Jacobs School of Music has an excellent composition program known for its renowned faculty and significant alumni.

Remember, choosing a music composition program is not only about academics. Look for a college that offers ample performance and composition opportunities and one that fosters a close-knit, supportive music community. It's crucial that you find a program where you can nurture and develop your unique musical style. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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