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Finding the Ideal College for Medical Majors and Athletes

Hey guys, so I'm seriously interested in medicine AND I love playing football, any ideas on which colleges might offer a balance between a strong medical program and a decent football team? My GPA and extracurriculars are all over the place, but I'd love to know which schools could accommodate both my academic and athletic interests.

5 months ago

Hello! If you're interested in medicine and also an avid player of football, there are several universities that might capture your interest, both academically and athletically.

Stanford comes to mind immediately. They offer competitive Division I football, coupled with one of the nation's best pre-med programs. It's also known for helping student-athletes balance their academic and athletic commitments.

Notre Dame is another excellent option. It has a strong pre-medical program and the Fighting Irish football team has quite a history. They provide support services to their student-athletes—like academic advising and life skills programming—making the dual pursuit of athletic and academic ambitions manageable.

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor offers a solid undergraduate pre-med track and a legendary Division I football team as well.

Finally, Duke University has a fantastic pre-med program, and while the football program might not be as high-profile as their basketball program, they are still competitive in the Atlantic Coast Conference, and regularly send players to the NFL.

Remember, these are highly competitive schools, so ensure that your academic profile is robust and that you're presenting a strong overall application. You might want to consider working with a football coach or mentor to refine your skills on the field as well.

Finally, if you're looking for ways to pursue your passion for medicine while still in high school, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which lists a range of medical-related summer programs for high schoolers: Participating in one could even give you a boost during the college process, as admissions officers love to see that you're taking initiative and exploring your interests outside of the classroom!

Good luck with your college search!

5 months ago

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