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Finding the Perfect Music Education Program in the Mid Atlantic

Hey there! I live in the Mid Atlantic region and am looking to stay sort of local for college. Music education is my thing and I wondering if anyone has suggestions for schools in the region that have strong programs in this field?

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are a number of universities in the Mid Atlantic region with great music education programs.

The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland comes to mind. It's one of the most respected music institutes in the U.S., known for its rigorous musical training and academic curriculum.

Another great school to check out is Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Boyer College of Music and Dance offers a comprehensive music education program where students can engage in music teaching experiences from their very first year.

In West Virginia, you might want to look at West Virginia University's School of Music. They have a robust music education program, and their facilities include an expansive Performing Arts Center.

Lastly, James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia also offers a strong music education program through its School of Music. What differentiates James Madison is the wide array of ensembles and performance opportunities available to students, which can significantly enrich your college experience.

Remember, when looking at music education programs, consider not only the strength of the music department but also the quality of the education department since you'll likely be spending time in both.

It's also important to visit these schools if possible, to get a sense of their campus life, music facilities, and to potentially meet with faculty or sit in on a class. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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